PSSST!: Got a Fetch unit? I now repair these too. See my "CONTACT" page for info.
I am located in Eastern Victoria down the main M1/A1 road approx 100km from Melbourne CBD, but I service TiVo's from all over Australia and New Zealand. I can also do semi-regular pick ups and drop offs around Melbourne by arrangement.
Once you have contacted me I firstly do my best to see if I can help via email to get the TiVo going again without it even leaving your place. Some things can be repaired yourself!
If not then I will send my shipping details, or if you are local and wish to personally deliver arrange a time convenient for both of us.

My aim is to make it as easy as possible to get your TiVo back up and running!
For repairs, modifications and advice:
All of Australia
All of New Zealand
For advice:
Firstly I guess the more commonly asked question is "are you still repairing/modding TiVo's?". The answer is YES! I am always doing them. Have been since 2003 and have no plans to stop at any time. So thanks for asking but really no need to :)
If your TiVo has a fault have you checked my "Fault FAQ" page? This answers some of the more common faults and in some cases what you can do first before asking for further help. If this page does not help then you may require my assistance - and I'm only too happy to answer your emails! There is also the OzTiVo Forums that can help out with either questions already answered or you can ask your own: http://forums.oztivo.net/
I must point out my involvement in TiVo equipment and TiVo repairs is (and always has been) an after hours service and not my full time job. I have one of those (and a family!) too. The work I do is voluntary and the price I charge for repairs or modifications is enough to cover parts, equipment and electricity... that is it. I do this because I enjoy keeping alive what is a great product for as long as possible. Probably just as much as you enjoy using your TiVo. To that end I do care about getting your beloved TiVo back as quick as possible. But work and family come first. I do my utmost best to get it up and running as quick as possible but on occasions please understand it may take a little time if I have been called away on a work job or taking a little time out with the family. It isn't often but does happen sometimes.
Besides the above, emails will be answered in a timely manner on almost all occasions, so feel free to ask for my advice any time you wish. I don't charge for this either!
If you have read and understood the above you are welcome to contact me at:
As mentioned on the main page I now also do Fetch TV boxes too. Same conditions apply as above but if you want to talk to me about repairing your Fetch the email address is:
Thanks for your understanding
Darren King